Police Stations

BALI REGIONAL POLICE STATION Jl. W.R Supratman No 7 , Denpasar Tlp. (0361) 227711, 227712, 227713 CENTRAL POLICE STATION Jl. Gunung sanghyang, Denpasar Tlp. (0361) 422322 WEST DENPASAR POLICE STATION Jl. Prof. Ida Bagus Mantra, Denpasar Tlp. (0361) 464694 SOUTH DENPASAR POLICE STATION Jl. By pass Ngurah Rai, Sanur Tlp. (0361) 288579 KUTA POLICE STATION Jl. Raya Kuta, Badung Tlp. (0361) 751598, 752110 BUALU POLICE STATION Jl. By pass Nusa Dua, Badung Tlp. ( 0361 ) 772110 MENGWI POLICE STATION Jl. Raya Mengwi, Badung Tlp. (0361) 411270 […]

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Emergency Numbers

bali ambulance

For those of you who like to be prepared we have listed some important numbers in case of an emergency. Don’t worry if you loose them, your hotel will have ready access to them or you can look in any tourist guide i.e. Bali Plus or Hello Bali amongst others. Just seems though, you can never find the number you need WHEN you need it so here goes…..

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Police Department

bali police

HISTORY OF POLDA BALI Brief History of Polda Nusra : The growth and development of Polda Nusra was strongly influenced by the condition and situation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. 1. The August 17, 1947 to 1950 Period. On August 17, 1945, local police chiefs including those in the Nusa Tenggara region separated from control of the Japanese administration and self-declared as part of the Police of the Republic of Indonesia. On December 24, 1946, Ordenantie No. 143 year 1946 from the East Indonesia […]

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