Bali Wayang, the Puppet Theater

Traditional theater in Bali - Wayang

Wayang means traditional puppet. It is spread over most of Indonesia as a theater show since a long time ago. Based on old manuscripts in Bali, Wayang has been performed around the ninth century. This puppet is mostly performed to entertain, but some Wayang are only performed in ritual ceremonies. Balinese Wayang can be divided into two types; Wayang Kulit and Wayang Wong.

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Bali Music

Bali music

Traditional Balinese Song Traditional Balinese songs are called Tembang. Tembang is one of oldest arts in Bali and has been a strong part of Balinese culture. Some Tembang were sung by Balinese before the coming of Hindu-Buddhist cultures, such as Kuskus Arum, Suaran Kumbang, Puspa Pangan Jali, etc. Mostly Tembang in Bali contain many moral messages for education. Based on the structure and function, Tembang can be classified into Gegending, Pupuh/ Sekar Alit, Kidung/ Sekar Madya, and Kekawin/ Sekar Agung.

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Bali Dance

Bali dance

Traditional Balinese dances are the oldest form of performing arts in Bali. Traditional dances can be divided into two types, sacred dance called Wali and entertainment dance called Bebalihan. Wali (sacred dance) is usually performed in some ritual ceremonies only because it has strong magical powers and only can be performed by specific dancers. Bebalihan are usually performed in social events. In addition to entertain, Bebalihan also has other purposes such as: welcoming guests, celebration of harvests, or gathering crowds. Bebalihan has more variations than Wali.

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Bali Drama

Drama in Bali is usually derived from a local chronicle called Babad. Drama is estimated to first emerge in 1820. The art rose in the golden era of the Klungkung kingdom at the reign of I Dewa Agung Sakti. At that time, it is known in the form of Arja. Arja later developed into some drama forms in Bali, namely Prembon, Sendratari, and Drama Gong.

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