Bali News

News from Bali, Indonesia

Economics the issue – not fuel?

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Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation reports that the airline industry’s general exasperation about the impact of high fuel prices on profitability is increasingly unsupported by figures from its own peak industry body. Forecast average fuel prices for the year have steadily risen by 28% since the Dec-05 IATA forecast for a USD4.3 billion industry loss for 2006. But that loss has since been cut by more than half, to USD1.7 billion, according to IATA’s latest estimate. According to the Center’s Executive Chairman, Peter Harbison, “the improved outlook […]

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News Archive August 2006


N E W S 31 August 2006 Bali Free Ride Nation Cup 2006 Penyelenggaraan Bali Free Ride Nation Cup (Kejuaraan Dunia Jet Ski) 2006 sangat didukung oleh Bupati Badung AA Gde Agung mengingat kegiatan ini merupakan suatu usaha dalam rangka recovery dan mempromosikan Bali kepada dunia internasional. 26 August 2006 Kolaborasi Apik Tropical Transit dan Nyoman Sura Alunan nada pentatonis dari Tropical Transit meramaikan arena Food and Bazaar di ajang Sanur Village Festival (SVF) 2006, Inna Grand Bali Beach Cottage, Jumat (25/8) siang kemarin. 26 August 2006 […]

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Asian nations to tackle natural disasters

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The recent Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) meeting with its Asian Regional Forum (ARF) counterparts here adopted a proposal to develop guidelines for civilian and military cooperation to ensure swift response to natural disasters in the region. The guidelines, to be consistent with existing UN and ASEAN mechanisms on disaster management and emergency response, will form the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on civilian and military cooperation for humanitarian purposes. I think it is among the most important portion of the statement issued, said M C Abad, […]

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Is LCC interlining low cost long haul ?


Julian Carr, Manager New Product Development at IATA, told local and international delegates at the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation’s Third Annual India and Middle East LCC Symposium that interlining between LCCs may be a natural progression of the model in the region. At the CAPA Symposium, Mr Carr posed the question, “will low cost long haul be achieved through interlining?” in the future, as LCCs in India and the Asia Pacific seek to expand their networks. LCCs that are not planning to expand into certain markets […]

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World Tourism Day Celebrated in Bali

The World Tourism Day has been annually celebrated on September 27th since 1980. This year, Indonesia is proud to celebrate the day in a form of special events, under the title called Bali Bike Fest 2006. This festivity is planned to spin on September 16th ” 17th, 2006 in Bali, bringing along a main theme: Bali Bike Fest 2006 Peace Through Tourism. The goal of the celebration is to bring everyone, individually, as families, or as a community, to have fun through tourism activities, which is bicycling […]

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London bomb scare – Short term cancellations, but overall demand likely to be resilient

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The Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) predicts the shock waves through the media will undoubtedly result in a temporarily reduction in flight bookings and some cancellations maybe a few percent at most. The Centre observes however that passengers today are very resilient and less ready to over-react to what, at this stage, appears to be a particularly UK-US issue. (The positive is that it appears that intelligence was sufficiently good that it stopped the threat. Nonetheless there will be a considerable consumer backlash, particularly in the […]

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ASEAN agreement on visa exception

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The recent signing of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Framework Agreement on Visa Exception (FAVE) is being termed as a boon for the tourism industry as well as for dreams of regional unities. Recently, the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Visa Exception was signed during the 39th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Kuala Lumpur. Citizens of ASEAN nations traveling within member countries no longer require a visa for social visits of up to 14 days. The agreement will take effect once it is ratified by all 10-member […]

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RI Tourism Ad

In an endeavor to actively promote tourist destinations in Indonesia and swiftly recover the tourism image, the government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of RI has placed 60-second advertising on several television stations. The detailed schedule is as follow: – Discovery Travel and Living ” July 19th to Sept. 3rd and Sept. 13th to Sept. 20th. – CNN and ” July 24th to Aug. 27th, and Nov. 6th to Nov. 9th. – BS Asahi ” Sept. 22nd to Sept. 24th. – Star […]

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News Archive July 2006


28 July 2006 Cuti Bersama Tahun 2007 Enam Hari Pemerintah menetapkan cuti bersama selama tahun 2007 sebanyak enam hari. Penetapan itu dilakukan berdasarkan keputusan bersama Menteri Agama, Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi 27 July 2006 Tekan Penyebaran HIV/AIDS Melalui Banjar Perkembangan kasus HIV/AIDS di Bali khususnya di Kabupaten Badung setiap tahun semakin meningkat, sehingga mendorong Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (KPA) Badung membuat terobosan dengan mengadakan penyuluhan ke banjar-banjar. 27 July 2006 Posko Penanggulangan Bencana Untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan terjadinya bencana alam, Pemkab Badung segera membangun posko penanggulangan bencana yang […]

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UNWTO – Statement on the Situation of the Middle East and its Impact on Tourism


UNWTO shares the concerns of the world community, about the situation in Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories, commiserates with grieving families and hopes for a speedy stabilization of the situation. The Middle East has been the fastest growing region for tourism during the past decade and this sector has become a vital part of the socio-economic fabric of the region as well as an important component for the livelihoods of its people. While International tourist arrivals worldwide grew at an annual average of 4%, the average […]

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