N E W S 31 August 2006 Bali Free Ride Nation Cup 2006 Penyelenggaraan Bali Free Ride Nation Cup (Kejuaraan Dunia Jet Ski) 2006 sangat didukung oleh Bupati Badung AA Gde Agung mengingat kegiatan ini merupakan suatu usaha dalam rangka recovery dan mempromosikan Bali kepada dunia internasional. 26 August 2006 Kolaborasi Apik Tropical Transit dan Nyoman Sura Alunan nada pentatonis dari Tropical Transit meramaikan arena Food and Bazaar di ajang Sanur Village Festival (SVF) 2006, Inna Grand Bali Beach Cottage, Jumat (25/8) siang kemarin. 26 August 2006 […]
News Archive July 2006
28 July 2006 Cuti Bersama Tahun 2007 Enam Hari Pemerintah menetapkan cuti bersama selama tahun 2007 sebanyak enam hari. Penetapan itu dilakukan berdasarkan keputusan bersama Menteri Agama, Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi 27 July 2006 Tekan Penyebaran HIV/AIDS Melalui Banjar Perkembangan kasus HIV/AIDS di Bali khususnya di Kabupaten Badung setiap tahun semakin meningkat, sehingga mendorong Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (KPA) Badung membuat terobosan dengan mengadakan penyuluhan ke banjar-banjar. 27 July 2006 Posko Penanggulangan Bencana Untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan terjadinya bencana alam, Pemkab Badung segera membangun posko penanggulangan bencana yang […]
News Archive June 2006
29 June 2006 52 Negara mendapat fasilitas Visa on Arrival Mulai 06 Juni 2006, Negara-negara yang memperoleh fasilitas Visa Kunjungan Saat Kedatangan (VKSK) atau Visa on Arrival (VoA) dari Pemerintah Indonesia, menjadi 52 negara. Pemberian fasilitas VoA ini bertujuan agar warganegara dari beberapa negara tertent 19 June 2006 Asian Tourism Ministers Debate Growth Strategies As Asia’s tourism boom continues, top officials gathered in Macau on Tuesday for the World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) first Ministerial Roundtable, aimed at identifying the best policies for coping with rapid growth and […]
News Archive May 2006
30 May 2006 Statement Indonesia Ministry of Tourism – Earthquake Yogyakarta Earthquake that hit Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on Saturday, 27th May 2006. The rate of the tremor was 5.9 on Richter scale and its epicenter was at 38 km south of Yogyakarta with 33 depth of Indian Ocean. 26 May 2006 UNWTO First Ministerial Roundtable on Asia-Pacific Tourism Policies The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is organizing its first Ministerial Roundtable on Asia-Pacific Tourism Policies in Macao, China, to precede the 44th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East […]
News Archive April 2006
17 April 2006 Travel and Tourism Organizations collaborate for Avian Flu preparedness Major global travel organizations commit to work together to support UN coordinated avian flu preparation and response. 17 April 2006 In-Flight Internet is a “Must-Have” Global air travelers prefer airlines that offer in-flight Internet connectivity, according to a survey released March 31 by Connexion by Boeing, a business unit of PATA member The Boeing Company.
News Archive March 2006
24 March 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT PEMERINTAHAN PROVINSI BALI DINAS PARIWISATA BALI GOVERNMENT TOURISM OFFICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 24 March 2006 SITA: Mishandled baggage costing $2.5 billion as air travel passenger numbers soar to two billion BTG – SITA, the IT provider which tracks baggage information for airlines and passengers in 220 countries and territories, Monday said the air transport industry is losing in the region of $2.5 billion annually because of misconnects and mishandled bagga 17 March 2006 Collaboration to help reduce the digital divide The […]
News Archive February 2006
27 February 2006 PATA Announces 2006 Gold Awards Winners The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2006 PATA Gold Awards 27 February 2006 Bali to host PATA Travel Mart 2007 PATA Travel Mart 2007 (PTM07) will take place in Bali, Indonesia. September/October 2007 dates will be announced soon 27 February 2006 The Future of Air Transport According to statistics recently released by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), international passenger traffic grew by 7.6% in 2005 16 February 2006 Abacus […]
News Archive January 2006
30 January 2006 After 4 month wait, recovery funds to be released BTG- Patience and persistence is apparently going to be rewarded as the Bali Tourism Guide (BTG) received confirmation on Thursday, January 26, 2005, that, after nearly 4 months of lobbying with the Central government in Jakarta, some Rp. 67 billion (app 26 January 2006 WTTC calls upon Austrian Presidency to withdraw taxing of aviation BTG ? The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) the global forum for business leaders in the Travel & Tourism industry […]
News Archive December 2005
28 December 2005 TSA Finds Security Does Not Meet International Standards BTG – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced that the Bandara Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali, Indonesia does not meet international security standards, and the department is taking action to warn travelers of this security d 23 December 2005 Outlook 2006: A make-or-break year for many airlines BTG-2006 will be the make-or-break year for major expansion plans by airlines in the Asia Pacific region, according to the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation. Moreover, this situation […]
News Archive November 2005
29 November 2005 Responsible tourism is the way forward BTG- The popular leisure travel company, First Choice Holidays, has raised its credibility in the arena of responsible and sustainable tourism by sponsoring this year’s Responsible Tourism Day at World Travel Market. 29 November 2005 Japan Selling Well BTG- 2005 was a great year for many tour operators to Japan. The first year of Japan tours for Thomas Cook Signatures has been a great success. 29 November 2005 API Grounded? BTG- Air Paradise International today announced that due […]